BNI Benefits

The Benefits of a BNI membershp

There are numerous benefits to becoming a BNI member.

  • REFERRALS: Our members learn to build trust and collaborate with fellow members to generate quality business Referrals.
  • INFLUENCE: When you become a gatekeeper of contacts and information, you become a connector.
  • STRUCTURE:  Our trade mark style of running a networking meetings allows you to make the most impact for your business in the shortest amount of time. True business professionals understand Time is Money !
  • EDUCATION: our BNI membership provides access to a wide range of business tools and educational materials. Our resources focus on networking skill development, public speaking and business best-practices. BNI continually looks to develop world class resources to empower and educate our members.



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What To Expect

To help Visitors get the most out of any BNI meeting, here is some advice you need to know before attending.

  • Prior to the BNI Meeting: Visit the chapter and be prepared to talk about your business. BNI members are interested in getting to know you. Also, please don't forget to bring 50 business cards with you. BNI members understand that connections with visitors can be mutually beneficial. Be sure to register online that you will be attending.
  • The BNI Meeting: Remember to use this meeting time to get know the chapter culture, and its members. Meetings are generally high energy and run according to a structured BNI agenda. Meetings are 90 minutes duration with opening networking time before and after the formal meeting. It’s always good to arrive 15 minutes early so you don't miss out on any open networking opportunities. Please don’t forget sign in as a visitor, so our members can follow up.
  • Your BUSINESS SPECIALITY at the BNI meeting: Only one person from each professional specialty is allowed to join a chapter of BNI. Thereby, eliminating the possibility of competition among our members. When you become a BNI member of a chapter, you are the sole representative of your field/profession/business and can develop relationships with others.
  • RESPECT for your business:  The businesses our members represent are their full-time occupations, ensuring they are able to respond to potential enquiries and position themselves as resources and experts in their chosen field..


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